Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thing # 18

I never got into the whole Myspace thing. My friend set up an account years ago, but I rarely used it. I use Facebook for personal use only. I use Facebook to keep in contact and up to date with my friends and family. I don't think I would use a social networking site for educational purposes. Of course, I do teach elementary students so they're not of age to have an account. I've heard of some teachers using these sites to interact with their students. Usually they have a personal account and a teacher account. Since I know how Facebook works, I decided to give Myspace another try. Here is a link to my Profile. The two sites are definitely set up differently. I think Myspace has more advertisements than Facebook. Myspace allows you to search for music, videos, games, photos, etc. I took some time to try to search for other teachers. I simply typed "teacher" in the search box since I couldn't search for people based on their profession. I was able to view a few people's profiles which I thought would be related to their professional based on their account name. I quickly realized profiles like "best teacher" and "best ___ grade teacher in the world" doesn't mean their page will contain educational information. I love social networking sites but feel it's questionable in an educational setting. I wouldn't use these sites to network with students or parents. These days you can never be too careful. Personally, I feel using social networking sites is not professional when it comes to teacher student use.

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