Monday, October 4, 2010

Thing # 14

Research has shown using charts to display information helps the teaching and learning process. I use graphic organizers such as flow charts and Venn diagrams in my classroom frequently. I choose to create a flow charts using Gliffy and to create a mind map. The Gliffy program was quite easy to use after playing with its features a little. This program allows you to make everything from floor plans to organization charts. I especially liked the cause and effect flow chart since this is one standard that I teach many times throughout the school year. Gliffy allows you to use different shapes and colors to highlight different ideas or categories in your chart. This also helps you personalize your chart. For me was more of a challenge to use. I was confused on which buttons does what to the chart. It did take me several minutes to figure out what to press to get the chart I was trying to create. I do like because it allows for collaboration and sharing of your chart with others. I think this is a great tool for educators and even higher grade levels to use.

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