Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thing # 15

I have always went to Wikipedia to look up information. Until recently, I was unaware anyone can add and edit the information! I don't care to use Wiki in my classroom. However, I have been using the information from Wikipedia for years. I did add some curriculum ideas to APSU 23 Things Sandbox wiki. At first, I couldn't figure out how to even edit the page until I realize I needed to not only sign in but also join the wiki page. I didn't like how unorganized the 23 things wiki was. I see this is a problem when so many people are editing and adding information that doesn't pertain to the same topic. Some posts were about thing #3 while others were about thing #12. I looked through the side bar and still couldn't find an approriate place to add my information. The front page has a variety of different topics. I decided to find someone's post that was the same as mine so I could list my ideas under theirs. If it was difficult for me as an adult to understand the flow or this wiki, I'm sure students would get frustrated too. However, the APSU wiki would have more people adding things than just your nineteen students. As a first grade teacher, I wouldn't use wiki in my classroom. If I had older students, I might feel differently. 

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