Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SlideBoom Presentation

                       Many students respond to visuals in learning. I tried to teach the concept of sequencing by creating two different PowerPoints. The first had only pictures. The second PowerPoint had both pictures and text. I think the second PowerPoint is more effective for teaching this skill. One the first PowerPoint, I showed pictures mixed up in the wrong order. Then, I used the animation feature to move the pictures in the correct order. I think students would be able to understand the concept with the first PowerPoint however, the second PowerPoint is more effective for teaching this skill.  I used a definition and explanation to accompany the pictures in the second PowerPoint which will result in students developing a better understanding of the concept. I don’t think the images I selected conveyed a message that text wouldn’t be able to. The images would help younger students understand vocabulary terms.  For example, one sequencing activity shows the order of development from a baby, to a toddler, to a kid, to an adult. Some students might associate the word “kid” with more than one picture. Students could use SlideBoom like I’ve used it to share this PowerPoint. Currently, my advanced student is researching dinosaurs and creating a PowerPoint to identify characteristics of specific dinosaurs. He could use SlideBoom to share this PowerPoint with an advanced student from another class. Or, they could each research a dinosaur then compare and contrast the two. I will put more thought into the images I use in my PowerPoint presentations in the future. I didn’t think it was possible to teach a skill using only pictures. If images that can teach in its self is used accompanied by audio and text surely the delivery of instruction would be enhanced.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

One Last Thing...

Completing the tasks in Learning 2.0- 23 Things for Teachers proved to be a meaningful learning experience for me. There were only a few tools I've had prior knowledge of before this assignment. As teachers, I think it's important to be current on the new technologies so that we can incorporate it into our classrooms. It's hard sum up my learning experience by only naming a couple tools I've discovered on the way. I could use almost all of these tools in my classroom. Some of my favorites are Animoto, Zoho Writer, Flickr, and IGoogle. My new knowledge of these tools will affect my classroom because I can start using these tools to help in the learning process and to help keep students engaged and motivated to learn. I plan to go back to each thing so I can make a list of all the new tools and websites to have for future reference. It would've been useful for me to have started the list at the beginning of this assignment. I will share my knowledge of these new tools and sites by forwarding the list to other teachers at my school. I am planning to spend ten to fifteen minutes each day learning about the tools I think will benefit my students and to start planning lessons that involve students using these also.

Thing # 23

A Creative Commons license allows you to decide how you would like your materials to be shared with others.With permission, Learning 2.0-23 Things for Teachers was borrowed from Learning 2.0-23 Things. This was made possible by the Creative Commons license. The Creative Commons symbol and information is found on the Learning 2.0-23 Things site. This is also mentioned on the APSU23Things blog and credit is given to the original source creator. 

The Spell by Flickr mashup is an example of attribution. According to Flickr, attribution means you allow others to copy, display, and distribute your copyrighted work. Also, you can use their copyrighted work to create something new. Spell by Flickr takes pictures of letters and creates words. The pictures are under a Creative Commons license that allows you to use their materials to build upon or create something new. Spell with Flickr uses the pictures to makes a new product.

You must be careful not to break copyright laws when making copies to distribute or using information from others. I still don't completely using everything dealing with Creative Commons licensing, but I will use the Creative Commons website to search for materials to use and adapt for my needs.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thing # 22

Podcasts are great to use for audio learners and students who are not yet reading. This is the first year I've had an ESL student in my classroom. I've been looking for ideas of ways to help this child by searching on the Internet. I used the Educational Podcast Directory to search for podcasts concerning ESL learners. I subscribed to RSS feeds and listened to many podcasts about teaching ESL students. On of the podcasts, American Long o-Sound, could be used to reinforce phonemic awareness since the learner often confuses the vowel sounds. I also added RSS newfeeds to my Google Reader on this topic. Other podcasts I found interesting and useful were the podcasts designed for elementary students. All of the podcast directories were easy to use. I would consider created a podcast with my students. In my free time, I will listen to more podcasts relating to elementary education and ESL.

Thing # 21

Create your own video slideshow at

 Animoto is awesome for making high quality videos of your favorite pictures. The product looks like you spent hours making it, when it really only took less than ten minutes. Furthermore, you can  make all the thirty second videos you want for free. I really enjoyed choosing the pictures, video design, and music. I posted this video to my Facebook account for my family to see. I think this is something I could use for a social studies unit when students create their "all about me" book. They could make the book along with this video.

Thing # 20

I love Youtube. I use it almost daily for a good laugh or for informational purposes. I have learned how to change sink fixtures, work out tips, how to repair a broken Ipod screen, and how to curl my hair a certain way all from watching Youtube videos. This can be very addicting.  There are so many things I can learn from Youtube, I have to limit myself or I'll spend all my time on this site. Youtube is great because it helps the visual learners. I could have read about how to replace an Ipod screen, but actually seeing someone do it is much better. Since I enjoy painting, I need to understand how to mix colors. I've always struggled with color theory and mixing colors. After reading several articles on the Internet, I still didn't grasp the concept. After watching videos on Youtube, I could successfully mix the colors I wanted. Since I'm a girl, I love all the "girly" things such as makeup, clothes, and doing hair. I love this informative Youtube video because it does a great job of explaining the color theory while incorporating make up techniques. I think all schools should allow some of the content from Youtube to at least be accessible to teachers. At my school, Youtube is restricted. I've found many great resources that I would like to show in my classroom, but I can't. Schools could utilize the features of Youtube by creating a central location of uploaded videos that are accessible to teachers and students. These videos could be used for both teaching and learning purposes.

Thing # 19

I haven't heard of any other social networking sites besides Myspace and Facebook. I am an active member of Facebook, and I just signed up for Myspace. I think it's great to have networks for people who have similar interests and prefer to be in a community of those alike. I think TeacherPop is a great site to join to get ideas from experienced teachers. It did take me awhile to figure out how to find what I was looking for on this site. All I could see was other people's comments saying how they liked the site. I did have to search to find actual lessons and ideas for teaching. I like how this site has videos and blogs too. I signed up to be a member of TeacherPop but my memebership is pending. I do like how not just anyone can join this site. You have to be reviewed by the site and confirmed before becoming a member. I look forward to using new strategies, ideas, and resources I learned from this network in the future.