Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thing # 3

After I realized how simple it is to create a blog, I immediately started thinking of ways to use it in my classroom. Since I teach first grade, I wouldn't use blogs for student use considering their age. Instead, I would use this as a communication tool for parents. Currently, I have a webpage on our school website where I post things like the story for the week, spelling words, activities for parents to do at home, and information on what we are studying for each week. I would much rather prefer to use a blog than my school website to communicate this information because I can only update my webpage on my school computer. By using a blog, I can update the information from anywhere making it more convenient for me. In addition, parents can ask questions and make comments on the blog, which they can't do on the webpage. I think using a blog makes perfect sense when trying to communicate with parents of my grade level.

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