Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SlideBoom Presentation

                       Many students respond to visuals in learning. I tried to teach the concept of sequencing by creating two different PowerPoints. The first had only pictures. The second PowerPoint had both pictures and text. I think the second PowerPoint is more effective for teaching this skill. One the first PowerPoint, I showed pictures mixed up in the wrong order. Then, I used the animation feature to move the pictures in the correct order. I think students would be able to understand the concept with the first PowerPoint however, the second PowerPoint is more effective for teaching this skill.  I used a definition and explanation to accompany the pictures in the second PowerPoint which will result in students developing a better understanding of the concept. I don’t think the images I selected conveyed a message that text wouldn’t be able to. The images would help younger students understand vocabulary terms.  For example, one sequencing activity shows the order of development from a baby, to a toddler, to a kid, to an adult. Some students might associate the word “kid” with more than one picture. Students could use SlideBoom like I’ve used it to share this PowerPoint. Currently, my advanced student is researching dinosaurs and creating a PowerPoint to identify characteristics of specific dinosaurs. He could use SlideBoom to share this PowerPoint with an advanced student from another class. Or, they could each research a dinosaur then compare and contrast the two. I will put more thought into the images I use in my PowerPoint presentations in the future. I didn’t think it was possible to teach a skill using only pictures. If images that can teach in its self is used accompanied by audio and text surely the delivery of instruction would be enhanced.

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